
Purpose : Develop the content for interpretive guidelines and an interactive training programme for professionals administering the Assistive Technology Device Predisposition Assessment (ATD PA) consumer form, a self-report assessment tool for consumers to identify their perceived functional capabilities and limitations, satisfaction with and priorities for quality of life achievement, psychosocial characteristics and device preferences. Method : Twenty-two professionals (with 1 - 2 consumers each) completed surveys on their use of the ATD PA and recommendations for interpretive guidelines and an interactive training programme. Participants represent eight US states and the country of Italy. Fourteen women and eight men (professionals) participated, and 20% of the sample was comprised of US consumers from Hispanic or African-American ethnic groups. Professionals represented the following disciplines: occupational therapy (n = 1); physical therapy (n = 1); rehabilitation engineering (n = 4); and vocational rehabilitation counselling (n = 16). Additionally, an advisory committee of 14 persons was formed, comprising consumers as well as international AT experts. The committee members prioritized content areas for the training programme and interpretive guidelines. Results/conclusions : Responses strongly support the need for and the continued development of the training programme and interpretive guidelines. Content areas have been identified and prioritized.

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