
The bark of logs from coniferous trees is mostly debarked in the stand or roadside. At the terminal points, storages, and mills industrial debarking machines have been operated for debarking of timber, as well. In recent time chainsaw mounted debarking apparatus (C-Debarker), axe, and a new tool that is brushcutter mounted debarking apparatus (B-Debarker) have been used for peeling barks in-stand. Debarking process is very time-consuming work phase within the total time for unit of wood procurement. In order to save operation time and to minimize unit costs for the operation, the logging operators have to make a difficult decision on suitable tools for debarking. The purpose of this study is to determine a procedure that helps to select the appropriate tool in-stand debarking of timber logs. In addition to the axe and C-Debarker, traditionally used in debarking, the recently developed peeling tool B-Debarker has been evaluated in terms of various criteria and compared with other methods. In multi-criteria analysis, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) has been used to describe the appropriate tool. The criteria set are based on technically appropriate, economically viable, environmentally friendly, and socially acceptable debarking tool and operation. While the application potential of C-Debarker is high in terms of operational efficiency, the B-Debarker offers high potential in terms of ergonomics. On the other hand, it has been determined that the axe is a preferable tool for ease of use and accessibility.

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