
We summarize our exploratory investigation into whether Machine Learning (ML) techniques applied to publicly available professional text can substantially augment strategic planning for astronomy. We find that an approach based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) using content drawn from astronomy journal papers can be used to infer high-priority research areas. While the LDA models are challenging to interpret, we find that they may be strongly associated with meaningful keywords and scientific papers which allow for human interpretation of the topic models.Significant correlation is found between the results of applying these models to the previous decade of astronomical research (“1998–2010” corpus) and the contents of the Science Frontier Panels report which contains high-priority research areas identified by the 2010 National Academies’ Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey (“DS2010” corpus). Significant correlations also exist between model results of the 1998–2010 corpus and the submitted whitepapers to the Decadal Survey (“whitepapers” corpus). Importantly, we derive predictive metrics based on these results which can provide leading indicators of which content modeled by the topic models will become highly cited in the future. Using these identified metrics and the associations between papers and topic models it is possible to identify important papers for planners to consider.A preliminary version of our work was presented by Thronson et al. (2021) and Thomas et al. (2022).

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