
Traffic accidents are still one of the serious problems faced by the Indonesian Government. Based on traffic accident data from Traffic Corps Republic of Indonesia the number of traffic accidents in 2020 is 100,028 incidents and the number of deaths due to accidents is 23,529 people. Traffic accidents are caused by several factors such as vehicles, human error of road users, road conditions and the environment. Road geometry is one factor that contributes to the high value of the risk of accidents. One effort to reduce the number of traffic accidents is identification and handling the black spot location. The purpose of this research was to determine the black spot locations using road geometric facilities. Thus, the black spot location can be predicted before the incidence of a traffic accident occurs through the weighting parameter road geometric. Research was conducted on arterial and collector roads in Purbalingga. Six road geometric parameters are used to determine black spot locations, namely vehicle speed, road lane width, road shoulder width, road pavement width, road median width, and shoulder drop-off (difference in elevation between road shoulder and the pavement edge). Weighting intervals for road geometrics are 1 to 5 with interval 1. As a result of this study, there are differences in the ranking of black spot locations based on the equivalent accident number method and the road geometric parameter approach. The further research is conducted to determine the coefficient value of each road geometric parameter and combined with road equipment facilities.

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