
Developing countries are experiencing a rapid growth in the urbanization in recent decades. Urbanization yields many positive effects if happens within the appropriate limits. However, extensive urbanization mostly results in adverse effects. This study aims to evaluate and observe the various changes like vegetation, built-up and water in the urban area of the greater Dhaka area of Bangladesh using Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 8 OLI images between 2011 and 2018 and to predict its future using different GIS and remote sensing techniques. The analysis shows the superabundant growth of the buildup areas as well as degradation in the vegetated and water areas of greater Dhaka, Bangladesh. The classified maps have been assessed through an accuracy assessment. Based on such, the result shows and predict the expected urban growth, vegetation areas and the water index for the year 2020. The experimental result indicates and aims to provide an idea about subsequent understanding on the urban growth of greater Dhaka, Bangladesh.

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