
The entropic coefficients versus state of charge (SOC) levels and temperatures for a lithium iron phosphate (LFP) cell show a behavior quite different from other types of lithium chemistries. The objective of this research is to calculate the varying entropic coefficient values of a iron phosphate battery. This value will be calculated from data taken at different SOC levels as well as different temperatures. A 14Ah lithium ion prismatic battery, with a dimension of 220mm x 130mm x 7mm, was studied in both charge and discharge. The SOC levels range from full charge to full discharge in 5% increments. The temperature levels vary from -200C to 550C in 50C increments. The data acquired has shown a cell behavior not uncovered by previous literature on the subject. Other studies that have used larger SOC and temperature increments found the entropic coefficient to be almost linear for different chemistries.

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