
The focus of this study was to determine whether coastal wetlands in lowland settings could be dependent on groundwater from the deep circulating confined Table Mountain Group (TMG) aquifer. Groundwater interactions with wetlands are normally perceived to be limited to primary aquifers. A comparative study was done between two endorheic coastal wetlands in the southern Cape. Earlier reports stated that these groundwater dependent wetlands were fed by discharges from the fixed dunes surrounding them. On the basis of a three-dimensional electrical conductivity (EC) interpolation for Groenvlei, a hydrological link between the TMG aquifer and Groenvlei and Van Kervelsvlei was investigated by measuring water level and quality of groundwater and surface water. Water quality parameters used were EC, pH, Na+, Fe2+ and Cl−. The results from this, and an accompanying study, on the basis of water quality and plant nutrient cycling assessments, indicated direct groundwater discharges from the TMG to at least Van Kervelsvlei, with Groenvlei receiving secondary discharges from the TMG via Van Kervelslvlei. These findings significantly affect the current knowledge on which water balance models are based for the determination of groundwater availability for the area.

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