
Abstract Solid waste generated by construction and demolition (C&D) projects account for a significant portion of solid waste generated and landfilled in the United States. The United States Green Building Council's (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) credit system encourages recycling of C&D debris. Data from a new construction project adhering to LEED® guidelines is used to investigate dumpster densities for construction debris. These are conversion factors from waste collection volumes to waste masses useful for verification of recycling credit goals, estimating waste management needs and optimizing waste management costs. The proper estimation of waste material dumpster density is important in order to combine sustainability with cost effectiveness. The field data was generated from a 9700 m2 (104,000 ft2) building under construction in Columbia, South Carolina with a precast concrete and brick veneer. The categories of waste investigated were general trash, masonry, wood, st...

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