
The development of technical solutions for the modernization of mass transfer trays of columns of energy companies is impossible without determining the effectiveness of the separation of the mixture at various constructive and regime parameters. Determination of the effectiveness of the separation on contact devices is one of the important problems in the theory and practice of mass-transfer processes. Among the numerous research and industrial practice it is known that increasing the size of the apparatus (plates ) flow pattern changes significantly , there is a large number of dead zones backmixing increases, decreases the driving force of the process, it causes a decrease in the efficiency of mass transfer . This phenomenon is called "scale effect". The article considers the uneven distribution of gas (steam) input phase and liquid phase on the canvas contact device. To take account of these irregularities phase distribution on the contact device algorithm of calculation of efficiency of plates in Merfri. Given the dependence of mass transfer coefficients in the gas phase and efficiency plates in Merfri from the gradient at different speeds gas in the column for standard sieve and valve plates. The authors developed the new highly efficient contact device - structured gas-liquid contact plate (SGC) vari-free section of the hole, which is due to their distinctive properties allows to reduce the effect of inequality of distribution of phases on a plate. Compares the standard sieve plates, standard valve plates and new plates SGC. The calculation and variants of modernization heat and mass transfer devices dehydration of hydrocarbon (natural) gas (absorber and desorber) on the proposed algorithm. Chosen the most energy-efficient ways to modernization of vehicles.

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