
The radiosonde data available from British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC) for the latitudinal occupancy of 58° north through 45° south were analyzed to observe the variation of temperature and water vapor density. These two climatological parameters are largely assumed to be the influencing factors in determining the millimeter wave window frequencies over the chosen range of latitudes in between the two successive maxima occurring at 60 and 120 GHz. It is observed that between temperature and water vapor density, the later one is influencing mostly in determining the window frequency. It is also observed that the minima is occurring at 75 GHz through 94 GHz over the globe during the month January–February and 73 GHz through 85 GHz during the month July–August, depending on the latitudinal occupancy. It is observed that the large abundance of water vapor is mainly held responsible for shifting of minima towards the low value of frequencies. Hence, it is becoming most important to look at the climatological parameters in determining the window frequency at the place of choice.

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