
The traditional method used to non-destructively determine the uranium enrichment with an NaI detector is based on the “enrichment meter principle” (Progress report LA-4605-MS, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NNM, 1970, p. 19), which involves measuring the intensity of the 186keV line of 235U by selecting two regions of interest for the peak and the background. This type of method suffers from several limitations, the most limiting of which are the impossibility to make wall thickness correction or to take the inference of foreign radioisotopes into account. The NaIGEM software (A guide for using NaIGEM code, version 1.5 for DOS and Windows, 2001; Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 458 (2001) 196) was developed to overcome these limitations by calculating the 186keV line intensity with a fitting procedure. The code was tested in different measurement conditions on the wide variety of certified samples, in particular, on reprocessed uranium and on depleted material with thick steel filters interposed between the source and the detector. The results are presented to illustrate the performance and limitations of the tested version (A guide for using NaIGEM code, version 1.5 for DOS and Windows, 2001). The general performance is good except in the case of low-enriched uranium in thick containers.

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