
In this study, a wavelength-dependent neutron diffraction method used to measure the residual stress in thick duplex stainless steel (DSS) welded plate was proposed, which was validated by contour method. By choosing appropriate wavelength, the penetration capability of neutron was improved. The neutron with appropriate wavelengths was then applied to investigate the through-thickness volume fraction, macroscopic and phase-specific residual stress in a 55 mm thick DSS welded plate. The results showed that a wavelength at 2.395 Å had more superiorities than the conventionally-used wavelength at 1.593 Å in the measurement of longitudinal and transverse stresses of a thick DSS plate. In general, high tensile stresses were generated in austenite while high compressive stresses were found in ferrite. For elastic mismatch residual stresses, their maximum values in austenite and minimum values in ferrite were located near the mid-thickness region. Reasons for the formation and characteristics of the phase-specific stresses were also discussed. Besides, large tensile macroscopic stresses were found near the surface whilst significant compressive stresses were found to generate in the mid-thickness of weld metal.

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