
The purpose of this study is to determine the thickness and limitation of the safe enamel for laminate veneers and orthodontic stripping applications. Enamel thickness (ET) was determined in detail for each tooth and also it was examined whether there was a relationship between the mesiodistal crown width of the teeth and the thickness of the enamel and whether there was a sexual dimorphism. CBCT records of 101 subjects (mean age: 20.88 ± 2.48 years) were examined. ET was measured both mesial and distal region of maxillary and mandibular incisors, canines, and premolars in different levels as cervical, middle, and incisal (occlusal) 1/3. Paired t-test, student t-test, Mann-Whitney U-test and Pearson correlation coefficients a simple linear regression analysis used for statistical analysis. ET of mandibular first premolars and canines was thicker at right side. Mesial enamel of maxillary first premolars, canines, lateral incisors and mandibular premolars and canines were significantly thicker than distal enamel. The mesial enamel of mandibular first premolars was significantly thicker in females. Also, males' maxillary laterals were significantly larger. All premolars had a correlation between mesio-distal crown widths and ET. Mesial and distal ET was unique for each one tooth at different levels. The relationship between ET and crown dimensions of all premolar teeth was also determined.

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