
Experience in the development of iron-titanium ores has shown that their successful processing is possible only with the use of complex combined processing schemes. The possibility of selective extraction of titanomagnetite and ilmenite products during magnetic (electromagnetic) separation is considered during processing of altered disseminated titanomagnetite ores of the Medvedevsky deposit. Purpose of the research is to determine the possibility of separation of microaggregates of titanomagnetite and ilmenite during selective magnetic (electromagnetic) separation of disseminated titanomagnetite ores. Materials and methods. Classification of crushed material with its subsequent separation by magnetic (electromagnetic) properties. Analysis of the distribution of iron and titanium dioxide and the identification of the nature of the disclosure of ore and non-metallic minerals from the standpoint of technological mineralogy. Results. Products of classified ore after magnetic (electromagnetic) separation are characterized by uneven distribution. Most of the material (45,01%) is concentrated in fractions separated at a magnetic field with strength of more than 250 mT. The yield of magnetic fraction is 2,89%. A high content of Femagnetic is characteristically for the products of magnetic separation of titanomagnetite ore obtained at the magnetic field with strength of 10 mT. Generally, titanium dioxide is concentrated in the products of electromagnetic separation separated at a magnetic field with strength of 140 mT. Studies have established that the products obtained at H = 10 mT consist of 37% titanomagnetite aggregates of varying degrees of martitization. With increasing of magnetic field strength, the number of titanomagnetite grains decreases and the content of ilmenite grains increases in the products of electromagnetic separation. In this case at H = 140 mT, free grains (55%) are mainly consist of ilmenite. Conclusions. Analysis of the magnetic separation products showed that with a magnetic field strength of 10 mT it is possible to obtain a product with mainly titanomagnetite composition, and it is possible to obtain a product with mainly ilmenite composition with a magnetic field strength of 140 mT.


  • Distribution of electromagnetic separation products of crushed disseminated titanomagnetite ore obtained at different values of the magnetic field in different particle sizes

  • Distribution of free grains and microaggregates in the products of magnetic separation obtained at different values of the magnetic field, rel. %

  • In this case at H = 140 mT, free grains (55%) are mainly consist of ilmenite

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Продукты распада твердого раствора ряда магнетит–ильменит с формированием паркетного (а) и тонкорешетчатого (б) строения, сегрегационных обособлений (в); продукты распада твердого раствора ряда ильменит–гематит с формированием отдельных пластин гематита в ильмените (г) и гемоильменита (д); структура замещения магнетита гематитом (е). Полиминеральных агрегатов титаномагнетита и ильменита в породе. Структура руды по размерам зерен мелко- и среднезернистая [7–10]. Минеральный состав изучаемой вкрапленной титаномагнетитовой руды представлен нерудными минералами, в основном амфиболом (74 %), хлоритом (7 %), эпидотом (7 %), плагиоклазом (6 %), кварцем (2 %) и рудными (4 %) – ильменитом, магнетитом, титаномагнетитом, гематитом и пиритом. Этапы формирования и преобразования руды четко отражаются в существующих природных минеральных ассоциациях. Определение возможности разделения титаномагнетита и ильменита при селективной сепарации 141 титаномагнетитовых руд//Известия УГГУ.

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