
THE pore-size distribution of a porous metal body can be defined in three ways, namely, those given by the expressions ∂V/∂r, ∂α/∂r and ∂N/∂r, where r is the ‘radius’ of the pore and ∂V, ∂α. and ∂N respectively represent volume, permeability and number of pores associated with the pore-size interval r to (r + ∂r). ∂V/∂r may be determined by observing the capillary rise of a liquid in a narrow strip of the material. If h is the capillary rise, a simple equation relates h to r, and ∂V/∂h is readily determined by breaking the strip at h1 h2, h3 … and weighing the pieces to ascertain the values of V corresponding to the sections (h1—0), (h2—h1), (h3–h2)….

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