
Physical properties of semiconducting CdF_2 crystals doped with In are determined from measurements of the radio-frequency response of a sample with Schottky barriers at frequencies 10 - 10^6 Hz. The dc conductivity, the activation energy of the amphoteric impurity, and the total concentration of the active In ions in CdF_2 are found through an equivalent-circuit analysis of the frequency dependencies of the sample complex impedance at temperatures from 20 K to 300 K. Kinetic coefficients determining the thermally induced transitions between the deep and the shallow states of the In impurity and the barrier height between these states are obtained from the time-dependent radio-frequency response after illumination of the material. The results on the low-frequency conductivity in CdF_2:In are compared with submillimeter (10^{11} - 10^{12} Hz) measurements and with room-temperature infrared measurements of undoped CdF_2. The low-frequency impedance measurements of semiconductor samples with Schottky barriers are shown to be a good tool for investigation of the physical properties of semiconductors.

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