
ABSTRACT The platoon size is a critical parameter in connected and automated vehicle (CAV) platoon configuration. However, the optimal platoon size configuration for the mixed human-driven vehicles (HVs) and CAVs traffic has not been well-studied, especially in merging areas. This paper aims to determine the optimal platoon size in the merge area through numerical analysis. Specifically, the existing merge probability calculation model is improved considering the impact of mainline random platoon size on on-ramp vehicles. In the improved model, the CAV platoon is treated as a vehicle with different lengths, and the headway between the platoon and single vehicle and the headway between the platoons are related to the maximum platoon size and CAV penetration rate. Three key parameters, namely the CAV penetration rate, acceleration lane length, and mainline traffic volume, were combined at various values. Based on this input, the relationship between the success rate and the platoon size was analyzed. The numerical analysis results indicate that: (1) when the CAV penetration rate is 10% ~30%, the merge success rate increases and stabilizes as the platoon size increases, and the optimal platoon size is 4 ~ 6. (2) When the CAV penetration rate is 40% ~70%, the trend of merge success rate varies with increasing platoon size under different mainline traffic volumes and acceleration lane lengths. Under the situation with lower traffic and longer acceleration length, the merge success rate tends to decline easier with larger platoon sizes, with 3 ~ 8 being the optimal platoon size. (3) When the CAV penetration rate is 80% ~90%, as the platoon size increases, the merging success rate tends to increase to the highest point and decrease. The optimal platoon size is 3 ~ 5. Finally, the validity of the theoretical model is confirmed through simulation experiments, and its limitations are discussed.

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