
This paper presents the results of two methods employed to determine the methyl ester (ME) fraction in mixed fuels prepared from MEs of higher fatty acids and fossil Diesel fuel. The first method is based on determining the ester number of the mixed fuel. The second one utilises the measurement of the carbonyl band intensity in the mixed fuel by infrared (IR) spectroscopy. The ME fraction in the tested mixed fuels was always set to 30 wt-%. Applying the first method the ester numbers of mixed fuels were determined and the ME fraction was defined using an averaged molar mass of ME. The differences between the values of the measured and real fraction of ME varied between -0.2 and +0.8 wt-%. If the value of the average molar mass of ME was not known, the molar mass of methyl oleate was used as a reference. Thereby the differences in determining the ME fraction in mixed fuels ranged between -0.1 and +0.9 wt-%. Employing the IR spectroscopy method the differences between the measured and the real fraction of ME varied between -1.0 and +0.5 wt-%. Both methods are suitable to determine the ME fraction in mixed fuels. Cette etude presente les resultats de deux methodes de determination de la fraction d'ester methylique (EM) dans des melanges de carburants prepares a partir d'EM d'acides gras superieurs et de diesel fossile. La premiere methode calcule l'indice d'ester du melange de carburants. La seconde methode mesure l'intensite de la bande d'absorption du groupement carbonyle par spectroscopie IR.

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