
The article highlights the results of testing exercises, which are used to identify the level of fitness of athletes in different areas of training, especially physical. We propose a new form of testing - test all-around competition and, on the basis of its results, predicting sports achievements in speed-strength types of athletics.
 The results in all types of testing in the control and experimental groups increased, which indicates the effectiveness of the planned training program. The results of testing carried out in the preparatory period also improved, which indicates that the level of physical fitness of athletes after the winter competitive season did not decrease, and in the summer season, an increase in personal sports results can be predicted. However, the level of growth of the results of athletes in the experimental groups was higher than in the control groups, which indicates the effectiveness of the use of the system of testing the level of physical fitness using the complex competitive method.
 For individual control over the level of preparedness, a personal map of an athlete has been developed, which allows you to track the level of development of an athlete's readiness both during the year and throughout the entire sports career. Evaluation of the results through the table allows you to identify stronger and weak points of the athlete's readiness, in order to subsequently adjust the training program.
 After the end of the experiment in 2021, testing in all groups did not stop, and in the competitive season, pedagogical observation of sports results is carried out. As a result of observations, a direct relationship was established between the level of test results and sports achievements. Based on the results of testing and observation, it is possible to predict the level of achievement of athletes.
 The proposed testing system has been tested on the students of the children's and youth sports school No. 2 in Lutsk, on the athletes of the section for improving the sports skills of athletics of the Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka and is used by coaches in their work.

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