
Pleurotus spp. are considered extremely rich mushroom species from the nutritional pointof view, providing immune-enhancement effects when consumed. However, few mushroomshave been tested for their phenotypic and genotypic responses in animal modelsto ensure the proper dosage for their use. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of twomushroom species on the reproductive capacity of Drosophila melanogaster . Pleurotuscitrinopileatus Singer and Lentinus sajor-caju (Fr.) Fr. were provided separately, in specificconcentrations, as feed supplements to the fruit flies. The total numbers of developedlarvae, pupae, and adults were then measured for each treatment. Inter simple sequencerepeats marker analysis was carried out to infer genotypic changes in the mushroom-fedflies. Our results suggest that Pleurotus spp. can cause positive changes to the flies’ reproductivecapacity, since Pleurotus citrinopileatus in particular accelerated the life cycle andrevealed a higher genetic dissimilarity of the diet-supplemented flies. Keywords: fruitflies, reproductive fitness, edible mushrooms.


  • Several fungal species are used in human nutrition as sources of proteins and glycans, primarily because these substances are constituents of the cell wall of basidiomata (Bobek et al, 1991a; Bobek et al, 1991b; Zhang et al, 1994; Nosal’Ová et al, 2001; Hossain et al, 2003; Pramanik et al, 2005), providing favorable nutritional benefits when consumed

  • It was observed that D. melanogaster individuals fed with the fungus P. citrinopileatus exhibited the highest development of larvae and pupae and increased number of individuals in a shorter period relative to the PSC-fed and control flies

  • Our findings suggest that using any of the fungal species as a feed supplement for D. melanogaster has no negative effects on the reproductive capacity of the fruit flies, and that PAM in particular accelerates the life cycle of the flies

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Several fungal species are used in human nutrition as sources of proteins and glycans, primarily because these substances are constituents of the cell wall of basidiomata (Bobek et al, 1991a; Bobek et al, 1991b; Zhang et al, 1994; Nosal’Ová et al, 2001; Hossain et al, 2003; Pramanik et al, 2005), providing favorable nutritional benefits when consumed. Pleurotus spp. have been characterized to display antibiotic, antiviral, and antitumor activities, where traditional medicine attributes the medicinal properties of these fungi to various substances, many of which have already been used as pharmaceuticals (Wasser et al, 2000). Research studies using animal models suggest that this mushroom species can have physiologic effects when consumed, including antitumor and immune-enhancement activities (Wang et al, 2005; Shu et al, 2006). Drosophila melanogaster Meigen 1830, known as the common fruit fly, is often used as an animal model in biological and genetic studies owing to its easy maintenance under laboratory conditions, low nutritional requirements, and short life cycle, and mainly because it has metabolic reactions similar to that of mammals (Graf et al, 1984; Staats et al, 2018). This species uses a wide variety of substrates for reproduction (Shorrocks, 1982) that are related to feeding behavior and oviposition (Da Cunha and Magalhães, 1965; Carson, 1971; Starmer, 1981; Tidon et al, 2005)

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