
Modern science of personnel management has been steadily expanding towards sociologization and psychologization. Increasing emphasis is made on the need for multilateral development of management psychology as a special, separate branch of psychological science, with its object and subject of research. In these conditions the problem of psychological compatibility of the team for the qualitative performance of the tasks set before them is of great importance. That is why this article attempts to answer the question of how to assess the conflict of the team and how to use the obtained score to improve the efficiency of its work. Management as a social process is not entirely subject to the instructions and forms, it is not always predictable. In addition to the formally established job subordination, among the members of the organization, there is a complex system of informal relationships, social dependencies and interpersonal relationships. One of the basic questions that arise in constructing such systems is the problem of psychological compatibility of individuals in the team and the issue of conflict in the collective as a whole. The answer to this question can be obtained using socionics as a science of personnel management. The use of socionic methods allows not only better understanding the mechanism of the relationship between two specific people, but also purposefully form psycho-informationally compatible teams. Knowledge of typical features allows better understanding a particular person, knowing its unique personality. The authors of created a matrix of inter-type distances based on the transfer of intertype distances into a numerical value. Using this matrix it is possible to calculate the individual and collective conflict ratio. Its use allows substantiating mathematically the expediency of introducing of the optimal bidder, which will have the least effect on the coefficient of conflict into the collective.


  • Сучасна наука управління персоналом послідовно розгортається у бік соціологізації та психологізації

  • That is why this article attempts to answer the question of how to assess the conflict of the team and how to use the obtained score to improve the efficiency of its work

  • One of the basic questions that arise in constructing such systems is the problem of psychological compatibility of individuals in the team and the issue of conflict in the collective as a whole

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Сучасна наука управління персоналом послідовно розгортається у бік соціологізації та психологізації. Великого значення в цих умовах набуває питання психологічної сумісності колективу для якісного виконання поставлених перед ним завдань. Які виникають під час побудови таких систем, є питання психологічної сумісності індивідів у колективі та питання конфліктності колективу загалом. Використання соціонічних методів дає змогу не тільки краще зрозуміти механізм взаємовідносин між двома конкретними людьми, але й цілеспрямовано формувати психоінформаційно сумісні колективи.

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