
Hemidesmus indicus plant found in South Asia. It occurs over the greater part of India, from the upper gangetic plain eastwards to Assam and in some places in central, western and South India. It is also known as called Ananthamoola, also known locally in Southern India as naruneendi or nannari. It act as Stanya Shodhana and potent blood purifier. Both types of Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus) are Swadu (Sweet), Snigdha (Demulcent), Shukrakara (Promotes semen), Guru (Heavy), It cures Agnimandya (Indigestion), Aruchi (Distate), Shwasa (Dypsnoea), Kasa (Cough), Visha (Poisonous effects). Suppress the aggravated Tridoshas, Pradara (Menorrhagia), Jwara (Fever), and Atisara (Diarrhoea). The present work is dealt with assessment and understanding the relation between Parthivatwa on the basis of parametric tests like bulk density and specific gravity and the knowledge of specific gravity is needed in calculation of Sariva properties like void ratio, degree of saturation etc. Specific gravity G is defined as the ratio of the weight of an equal volume of distilled water at that temperature both weights taken in air whereas the Density is calculated by mass per volume. Weigh the Sariva sample and carefully transfer in to the measuring cylinder and measure the volume.

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