
Regional spatial planning is an operational technical policy that must be implemented by local governments in an effort to make spatial planning into areas that regulate the use and or management of natural resources and the environment for various life interests. Its existence as a reference for regional economic development planning. A harmonious and balanced regional arrangement between protected areas and cultivation areas, as well as a harmonious and balanced arrangement within an area, must be able to accommodate all the interests of regional economic development optimally. This condition is a basic requirement for planning and implementing sustainable development. The importance of a balance between economic growth and environmental preservation is a concept that reflects sustainable development. Sustainable development is basically a development strategy that provides a kind of threshold at the rate of utilization of natural ecosystems and the natural resources contained therein. Aspects underlying the arrangement of the area include legal aspects, physical aspects, aspects of regional production capability, and aspects of regional economic capacity that can provide legal guarantees and the continued use of the area. As usual, land use planning starts from the preparation of a Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) as a mandate from: 1) Republic of Indonesia Law Number 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial Planning; 2) Republic of Indonesia Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government; and 3) Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation No. 26/2008 concerning National Spatial Planning with the same goal, which is to increase and accelerate Indonesia's economic development. Approval of the substance by the Minister is based on an evaluation of the criteria of the area that forms the spatial pattern of the cultivation area. The assessment is determined by a ministerial decree from the Ministry of Forestry, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Mining, and the Ministry of Public Works and Regional Prasana Settlements. However, there is an impression that each Ministry in establishing regional criteria does not coordinate between sectors and does not involve local governments, as mandated by the principle of autonomous governance as stated in Government Regulation number 38 of 2007 concerning Division of Government Affairs between Governments; Provincial Government, and Regency/City Government, mandate that central government policy-making must involve local governments. This study was conducted to analyze the policy to determine the criteria of the area in accordance with the functions and capabilities of the land so that it can be a clear baseline and agreed upon by each development sector and can be agreed between sectors and between Ministries, the Provincial Government, and Regency / City Governments.

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