
A study to determine the concentration of metals in a variety or rice and cereal foods from various locations was performed using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). According to the results of the study, in our samples no concentrations of Ni, Pb, Sb, Se and V were found except for Red Gram, Green Gram and Black Gram for which Ni was 6.8ppm, 8.0ppm and 8.8ppm, respectively, and for Black Gram, Cow Peas and Black Sesame Seeds for which V was 4.8ppm, 8.8ppm, and 3.4ppm, respectively. Despite the large geographic differences, shape and color, the metal concentrations were somewhat similar. Sample concentration for Al were at 3.9ppm to 207ppm, except for Black Gram which was at 4400pm, for Cu at1.7–13.6pm, for Mg at 243–1526ppm with outlier of 3230ppm (Black Sesame Seeds), for Mn at 4.3–118ppm, for Zn at 1.2–22.3ppm and Fe at 8.9 to 99.5 with an outlier of 210ppm for Flattened Rice.

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