
Low flow is a parameter that is used for many purposes in water management. It is particularly important in terms of the needs of small water supply systems, which usually are located in ungauged catchment areas. The aim of this study is to determine the values of seasonality indices for the regionalization of low flow characteristics in the Upper Vistula river basin. This study analyzed three seasonality indicators (seasonality index—SI; seasonality histograms—SHs; and seasonality ratio—SR) in 32 selected catchments differentiated in terms of selected physiographic and meteorological characteristics. Daily flows, from the years 1951–2016, were used in the study. On the basis of the analysis, regions characterized by similar values of seasonality indicators were delineated. The non-hierarchical method of cluster analysis, i.e., the K-means method, was used for this purpose. For each region, obtained by this method, regression models were determined using stepwise regression analysis. Three groups of low flow occurrences were determined: winter, summer and mixed. The delineation of an additional mixed group for the Upper Vistula river basin resulted in a much better fit of calculated flows to observed values than in the case when only two groups of low flow seasonality were determined (winter and summer).

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