
The determination of rubella IgG antibody among two hundred and seventy-two (272) women of child bearing age in Vom was carried out, using the Immune – ELISA rubella IgG quantitative test kit. Seventy – two (72) specimens came from non-pregnant women while 200 specimens came from pregnant women. Out of 72 blood specimens from non-pregnant women investigated, 66(91.67%) were positive for rubella IgG antibody while 169(84.50%) were positive out of 200 specimens from pregnant women. Rubella IgG antibody was detected in all the age groups of the women. The women age ranges from 18-45 years and had no previous history of rubella vaccinations. Among the age groups ages, 21-25 years had the highest rubella antibody (36.11%) in the non-pregnant women while ages 26-30 years had the highest rubella antibodies with 30.00%. in pregnant women. The least rubella antibody among the non-pregnant was 9.72% in ages 31-35 years while it was lower in ages 41-45 with 1.00% in pregnant women. On parity, 1-2 had the highest positive rubella antibodies in both non-pregnant, (38.00) and pregnant women (34.72%) while 11-12 had the least in non-pregnant (1.00%) and 7-8 in pregnant women with 12.50%. the study has shown that a significant proportion of the women have been naturally exposed to rubella virus infection and therefore immuned for life. Rubella virus infection being a disease of medical importance should be given serious attention. Based on the findings of this study it is strongly recommended that all females before the child bearing age should be vaccinated against rubella.

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