
Malang as the National Activity Centre (PKN) led to increased economic growth and increased the demand for goods both primary and tertiary goods. Demand of goods which is increasing and also diversing will certainly have an impact on the process of transportation of goods involving a freight forwarder. Shipping of goods is part of the supply chain, which handles the flow of goods, distribution and delivery service or commonly called the courier. Fulfilling the request of goods would require Logistics Service Provider (LSP) that distribute goods from point of origin to destination. Delays in the distribution of goods will slow(DOWN) economic growth in Malang, therefore focused studies on the movement of goods which includes the election of the delivery route is needed. The purpose of this study is to get the delivery route for LSP by identifying its patterns of freight transport movement and to analyze the network performance of the road that is passed by freight transportation. Data collection techniques in this research are interviews, questionnaires and observations of moving-car and traffic counting to get the volume of traffic. The study used road’s performance analysis to get the level of service (LOS) of roads which are used by the freight transportation of LSP and Dijkstra’s algorithm analysis to determine the delivery routes. The results showed that the Level of Service of the roads (LOS) is at the level of D to F which indicates that the chosen roads experience instability of traffic flow even reach a critical condition. Therefore by considering delivery routes selection both of existing condition and analysis result as well as the condition of the road network in Malang, then given alternative is by deliverying goods on the chosen routes but not at peak hour.

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