
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were determined by hrGC, hrGC/MS and HPLC in graphited mineral oils used for mold lubrication and in aerosols emitted during their application in two plants. Oil samples were analyzed after centrifugation, liquid‐liquid partition, and column chromato‐graphies on silica gel and Sephadex LH‐20. Aerosol samples were collected on glass fibre filters and Amberlite XAD‐2; after solvent‐extraction, samples were liquid‐liquid partitioned and eluted on silica gel Sep‐Pak cartridges (and, filters only, on Sephadex). Typical PAH levels were ca. 0.1–5 ppm in oils, and ca. 0.1μg/m3 in air (worker's “breathing zone). High boiling PAH were detected in oils but generally not in air. Carcinogenic PAH were found in oil samples and, to a lesser extent, in air near the emission source, but not in the breathing zone.

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