
Abstract Concentrations of particulate iodine in aerosols depending on the particle size were determined after sampling with an impactor system by isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) using the production of negative I thermal ions. The collection efficiency of the impactor system was compared with a filter system by parallel samplings and agreed well. By different leaching processes, using sodium sulfite solution and distilled water, it was shown that various iodine species are incorporated in the aerosol particles. Determinations were carried out with samples from different areas, two continental places in Germany, which are more or less anthropogenically influenced, one location with marine and anthropogenic influences (North Sea) and one in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica, not anthropogenically influenced. In all cases we found the major part of the total iodine in the smallest aerosol particles with an aerodynamic diameter of <0.49 μm. Investigations of the continental iodine in aerosols over a two-...

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