
The albedo factors (number, energy and dose) of the samples with various mean atomic number have been investigated at a scattering angle of 180°. Fourteen different samples in the mean atomic number range 9.743≤Z‾≤83.00 were prepared with bismuth and cellulose powders by using dilution technique. Thus, albedo factors have been investigated in a wide atomic number range. The samples were irradiated by 59.54 keV gamma rays emitted from a241Am point source with 0.43 MBq activity. The scattered γ-rays were counted by an HPGe detector with a resolution of 182 eV at 5.9 keV. It is observed that albedo factors decrease with the increasing atomic numbers. Also, albedo factors (number, energy and dose) for in the atomic range 9.743≤Z‾≤83.00 are found as 6.295 × 10-3≤AN≤4.251 × 10-3, 5.106 × 10-3≤AE≤3.448 × 10-3 and 5.750 × 10-3≤AD≤3.883 × 10-3, respectively.

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