
Abstract A liquid chromatographic (LC) method has been developed to determine methyl nonyl ketone, a dog and cat repellent, In formulations. Corn cob formulations were extracted In acetonltrlle for 1 min using a Polytron mixer; liquid formulations were diluted with acetonitrile. A 10 juL aliquot was Injected Into a Vydac 218 TP54 column, monitored at 280 nm. The mobile phase was acetonitrlle-methanol-water-lsopropanol (225 + 200 + 50 + 25). Total analysis time was 5 min. Six different solid formulations and 5 different liquid formulations were analyzed 6 times with all percent coefficients of variation (% CV) below 4. Purity of each methyl nonyl ketone chromatographic peak was checked using a photodlode array detector In peak purity mode. No Interferences were observed at 280 nm.

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