
Knowlege of a specimens' mean innner potential and thickness is important for many purposes including holography, analytical (AEM) and microstructural analysis. This paper shows that both electron interferometry and holography can easily be used to determine the mean inner potential, as well as, the thickness at every point within a TEM specimen. The relative fringe shift, Δs/s , in a hologram by an object is linearly proportional to the object's mean inner potential, V, and thickness, d, and is given by,where C is considered a constant and described by the relativistic energy correction divided by the acceleration energy, E, and wavelength, λ, i.e. [(1 + eE/mc2)/(l + eE/2mc2)/2Eλ]. Inorder to separate d and V another holographic image is required to provide another image equation. This image equation is easily provided by rotating the specimen a known angle, Δθ, such that d becomes a function of Δθ.

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