
Abstract Low‐ to medium‐boiling‐point hydrocarbons, which include the full range of gasoline (C4‐C12), are routinely analyzed by using headspace or purge and trap with gas chromatography techniques. Some of the higher boiling point hydrocarbons, including diesel motor fuels (C9‐C22) and kerosene (C10‐C16), are normally analyzed by using sonication extraction with gas chromatography technique. However, since both of these groups are medium range in numbers of hydrocarbons as well as boiling point, analysis by elevated temperature purge and trap (85°C) may prove to be an accurate and time‐saving method of analysis. Testing by purge and trap may prove successful for both kerosene (b.p. 175 to 328°C) and #2 diesel (b.p. 179 to 360°C). This research is designed to compare data using the high‐temperature purge and trap technique to the data obtained by the sonication extraction technique.

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