
The study focused on determining the infiltration rate capacity of three Minor Irrigation tanks in the Gangakatwa stream basin in Telangana State, India, which were located in areas with laterite, basalt, and granite formations. Geophysical Resistivity Surveys, (Vertical Electrical Sounding) were conducted parallel to the bund to determine the soil resistivity. Three locations were chosen based on the Resistivity of the soils to determine the infiltration rate capacity in each formation. The study utilized a double ring infiltrometer for the experimental analysis, and the infiltration rates were measured at intervals of 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 minutes up to 123 minutes to assess the potential for soil structure restoration and the efficiency of the Minor Irrigation tanks. The results of this study could provide valuable insights into improving the efficiency of Minor Irrigation tanks and optimizing irrigation practices in the region

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