
This paper deals with determination of induction motor efficiency, as one of the qualitative indexes of machine operation, by means of acalculation and measurement during its operation. The possibilities of the efficiency calculation are described and it is explained that the simplest method for the efficiency determination is a calculation from a steady state equivalent circuit of the machine. This method is improved by an optimization of the induction machine equivalent circuit parameters based on the measured quantities during steady state operation of the machine. Optimization utilises non-linear programming.


  • Priama metóda určovania účinnosti spočíva vo výpočte pomeru výkonu P na hriadeli a príkonu motora Pp na svorkách stroja

  • This paper presents an efficiency determination based on the output power calculation from the measured speed and calculated mechanical torque, by means of classical steady state equivalent circuit of induction machine, and measured input power

  • Bližšie informácie o spomínaných metódach nájdete v [2, 4, 5]. In this case Fletcher-Reeves method, which works based on the Principle of Conjugate Gradient, together with the Method of Gold Section has been used for the induction machine parameters, obtained by means of the standard tests, optimization

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Priama metóda určovania účinnosti spočíva vo výpočte pomeru výkonu P na hriadeli a príkonu motora Pp na svorkách stroja. This paper presents an efficiency determination based on the output power calculation from the measured speed and calculated mechanical torque, by means of classical steady state equivalent circuit of induction machine, and measured input power. This method is less accurate, but the simplest method available without using special sensors or tests. Preto článok prezentuje metódu optimalizácie hodnôt elektrických parametrov náhradnej schémy asynchrónneho stroja, získaných pomocou klasických meraní, na základe údajov meraných počas ustáleného chodu stroja. Cieľom je nájsť hodnoty výkonu P a príkonu Pp pomocou hodnôt prvkov náhradnej schémy, ktoré budú on-line optimalizované počas prevádzky stroja. Obr. 1 Náhradná schéma jednej fázy asynchrónneho stroja Fig. 1 Steady state equivalent circuit of one phase of induction machine

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