
In this study analysis of zinc, copper, lead and cadmium in six of the most commercially important fishes ( Trachurus trachurus , Belone belone, Pomatomus saltatrix, Mullus barbatus , Merlangius merlangus euxinus and Engraulis encrasicolus ) of the Black Sea coastal waters are presented. The results showed that the Zn concentrations were the highest and Cd concentrations the lowest in edible tissue of the six species. The muscle concentrations of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd ranged from 6.95 - 34.33, 0.19 - 7.74, 0.02 - 1.51 and 0.02 - 0.18 ppm, respectively. Significant differences in metal concentrations were found between the species (P < 0.05). Higher muscle concentrations of Zn and Cd were found in Merlangius merlangus euxinus than the other species and the lowest concentration of Pb. However, Mullus barbatus contained the highest concentration of Cu and the lowest concentration of Zn and Cd. The highest concentration of Pb was found in Pomatomus saltatrix. In general, the concentrations of these heavy metals were mainly low and below the maximum permissible limit of the food regulations of Turkey and of international standards. Therefore, no public health problem would be raised in the consumption of these fishes.

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