
One of the most important requirements to be studied in the transportation of raw cotton is to maintain its natural quality. Therefore, most researchers focus on the study of seed injury, as it affects the quality of the finished product, the negative effects on the characteristics and quality of technological spinning have been studied. To study the changes in fiber quality, effective methods and tools are used to process the results obtained as a result of the application of modern methods depending on the drying intensity in the drum dryer. As a result of technological processes (drying, cleaning, ginning) on all quality indicators were carried out in the laboratory of the Capital Cotton Ginning Plant and laboratory tests of the Association “Quality”. The composition of the mass fraction of the cover and the weed layer of the fiber were analyzed manually by the standard method. The method of mathematical planning of the experiment was used to perform and process the results of the experiment. For our study, a complete factorial experiment method of type PFE-23 was selected. Empirical data processing showed that the most important factors that significantly affect the quality and performance of drying are: - water temperature, heat carrier flow rate, raw cotton dryer performance, cotton initial humidity and drum shell heating temperature. In this regard, the following factors were selected for further experimental studies: initial humidity and drum mantle heating temperature when performing seed cotton dryers on wet cotton. In the process rules depending on the initial moisture content of the raw sawdust, the heat transfer rate ranges from 18 to 22 thousand m3 / s. On this basis, in experimental studies, we select an average value of heat transfer flow rate of 20 thousand m3 / h. The temperature of the dryer is selected from 1300 to 1900 according to the amount of initial moisture in the cotton.

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