
Copy number abbreviation (CNA) is one type of genomic aberration that is often induced by genome instability and is associated with diseases such as cancer. Determination of the genome-wide CNA profile is an important step in identifying the underlying mutation mechanisms. Genomic data based on next-generation sequencing technology are particularly suitable for determination of high-quality CNA profile. Now is an important time to reevaluate the use of sequencing techniques for CNA analysis, especially with the rapid growth of the different targeted genome and whole-genome sequencing strategies. In this study, we provide a comparison of resequencing strategies, with regard to their utility, applied to the same hepatocellular carcinoma sample for copy number determination. These strategies include whole-genome, exome and restriction site-associated DNA (RAD) sequencing. The last of these strategies is a targeted sequencing technique that involves cutting the genome with a restriction enzyme and isolating the targeted sequences. Our data demonstrate that RAD sequencing is an efficient and comprehensive strategy that allows the cost-effective determination of CNAs. Further investigation of RAD sequencing data led to the finding that a precise measurement of the allele frequency would be a helpful complement to the read depth for CNA analysis for two reasons. First, knowledge of the allele frequency helps to resolve refined calculations of allele-specific copy numbers, which, in turn, identify the functionally important CNAs that are under natural selection on the parental alleles. Second, this knowledge enables deconvolution of CNA patterns in complex genomic regions.

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