
A high-performance liquid chromatographic assay is described as a routine analytical method for the determination of fumagillin in rainbow trout muscle tissue. Muscle tissue samples (1 g) containing fumagillin were deproteinized with 8 ml of an acetonitrile-water mixture (2:6, v/v). The extracts were purified with a Bond Elut Octyl C8 cartridge column, washed with a water-methanol mixture (95:5, v/v; 4 ml) and fumagillin was eluted with acetonitrile (1 ml). Analytical separations were performed by reversed-phase HPLC with UV detection at 351 nm under gradient conditions. The mobile phase was acetonitrile-0.005 M tetrabutyl ammonium phosphate in water (pH 7.8). The assay is specific and reproducible within the fumagillin range of 20-1000 ng/g and recovery at 20 ng/g was 69.2%. Sample preparation involves the use of a robotic sample preparation system. Gravimetric validation of all operations enabled Good Laboratory Practices to be observed.

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