
, albumin, and lipoproteins [3]. Interin-dividual variability in AAG concentrations has beenassociated with altered docetaxel clearance, severity ofneutropenia, and overall survival in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer [4,5]. Recent data also indicate thatthe plasma binding of docetaxel is further inXuenced bythe presence of its formulation vehicle polysorbate 80 in aconcentration-dependent biphasic manner [6], althoughthe clinical signiWcance of this observation in addition tothat of AAG is currently unknown. Regardless, these Wnd-ings indicate that unbound docetaxel concentrations maybetter correlate with treatment outcome (i.e., toxicity andeYcacy) than with total drug. In an eVort to better under-stand the clinical pharmacology of docetaxel, a rapid andreproducible assay based on microequilibrium dialysiswas developed for measuring the fraction unbound (fu)docetaxel in patient plasma samples.Equilibrium dialysis was performed on a plate rotator(Model 74-2334; Harvard Apparatus, Holliston, MA) at37°C in a humidiWed atmosphere of 5% CO

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