
Background: Intake excessive fluoride in children’s teeth are generally marked with white and brown patches. Excessive fluoride of more than 4.0 mg/L can cause a person suffering from poisoning, fragility of the bones (osteoporosis), liver and kidney damage. Knowledge about the spectrophotometry for determination method of fluoride content in commercially available toothpaste is very few. Purpose: The purposes of study were to examine the suitable method for fluoride extraction and to determine out the accuracy, precision, linearity, and stability of the measurement method of fluoride content in toothpaste. Methods: The suitable F extraction method was determined by the comparison among 3 methods of extraction; e.g. the dried samples were immersed in (1) distilled water, (2) 96% HCl, and (3) 96% HNO3; and the validation methods of measurement were the maximum wavelength, standart curve, accuracy test, precision test, and stability test. Results: Result showed that the fluoride extraction by using the concentrated HNO3 was found to have the highest levels of fluoride, followed by hydrochloric acid dissolution (HCl) and distilled water, while the method of validation showed that SPADNS revealed the acceptable accuracy. Precision has the RSD ≤ 2.00%. Furthermore the stability test result showed that the measurement of fluoride less than 2 hours was still reliable. Conclusion: The study suggested that the best result of fluoride extraction from toothpaste could be gained by using concentrate HNO3, and the spectrophotometer (UV-Vis Mini Shimadzu U-1240) and SPADNS have the acceptable accuracy.Latar Belakang: Pemasukan fluoride yang berlebihan pada gigi anak ditandai dengan bercak putih dan coklat. Fluoride lebih dari 4.0 mg / L dapat menyebabkan seseorang menderita keracunan , kerapuhan tulang (osteoporosis), kerusakan hati dan ginjal. Pengetahuan tentang spektrofotometri untuk metode penentuan kadar fluoride dalam pasta gigi yang tersedia secara komersial sangat sedikit . Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan meneliti metode yang tepat untuk mengektrak kandungan fluoride dan mengukur akurasi, presisi, linearitas dan stabilitas pengukuran kandungan fluoride pada pasta gigi. Metode: Metode ekstrak yang tepat ditentukan dengan membandingkan 3 metode, yaitu dengan perendamam sampel kering dalam (1) air destilasi, (2) HCl 96%, dan (3) HNO3 96%; dan validasi metode yang memperhitungkan panjang gelombang, kurva standar, tes akurasi, presisi, dan stabilitas. Hasil: Hasil menunjukkan bahwa metode ekstrasi fluoride pada pasta gigi dengan menggunakan metode HNO3 didapatkan level fluoride tertinggi, diikuti dengan metode HCl dan air destilasi. Hasil validasi metoda menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan SPADNS akurasinya dapat diterima. Presisi mempunyai RSD ≤2,00%. Pada tes stabilitas didapatkan hasil bahwa pengukuran kadar fluorida dalam waktu tidak lebih dari 2 jam masih dapat dilakukan. Simpulan: Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil terbaik ekstraksi fluoride dari pasta gigi dapat diperoleh dengan menggunakan HNO3, dan spectrophotometer (UV-Vis Mini Shimadzu U-1240) dan SPADNS memiliki pengukuran yang akurat.

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