
This article presents a guided-inquiry (GI) hands-on determination of Fe in food samples including plantains, spinach, lima beans, oatmeal, Frosted Flakes cereal (generic), tilapia fish, and chicken using flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS). The utility of the GI experiment, which is part of an instrumental analysis laboratory course, considerably motivates underrepresented minority students, enhances student learning, and improves student critical-thinking and problem-solving ability. In addition, hands-on experience using atomic absorption spectrometry for food analysis allows students to better understand the principles and practical operation of FAAS, which they have previously learned in the instrumental analysis lecture course. The students particularly liked working as teams on their food analysis project. Furthermore, the GI food analysis experiment strategy significantly improves the overall student success rate in and enthusiasm for the instrumental analysis laboratory course, facilitating overall student success in the course.

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