
Neroli essential oil (EO), extracted from bitter orange blossoms, is one of the most expensive natural products on the market due to its poor yield and its use in fragrance compositions, such as cologne. Multiple adulterations of neroli EO are found on the market, and several authentication strategies, such as enantioselective gas chromatography (GC) and isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS), have been developed in the last few years. However, neroli EO adulteration is becoming increasingly sophisticated, and analytical improvements are needed to increase precision. Enantiomeric and compound-specific isotopic profiling of numerous metabolites using multidimensional GC and GC-C/P-IRMS was carried out. These analyses proved to be efficient for geographical tracing, especially to distinguish neroli EO of Egyptian origin. In addition, δ2H values and enantioselective ratios can identify an addition of 10% of petitgrain EO. These results demonstrate that enantioselective and stable isotopic metabolite fingerprint determination is currently a necessity to control EOs.

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