
Turkey has rich biodiversity due to located at the intersection of Europe-Siberia, Mediterranean and Iran-Turan flora regions. Orchidaceae family has a distinct place within this rich biodiversity. It has been reported total 204 orchid species those belongs to the 24 genera are grown in Turkey. The exports of the salep orchids were banned in 1974 by the Ministry of Agriculture due to high destruction of natural distribution areas of the plant. Despite the fact that nowadays the salep plants are protected by laws, the tubers of salep orchids still have been collected by people. Washing, boiling in water or milk, washing in cold water and drying stages are used to prevent growing activity of salep tubers. After this, tubers of salep are grind and prepared to use as salep powder. All of salep production is provided by collection of salep tubers from nature. For one kilogram of salep, 1000-4000 tubers is used. And it was assumed that our country produces 45 tons of tubers per year.This study was carried out to determine the effect of nitrogen fertilization on some quality characteristics of Orchis sancta L. grown in field conditions, in order to take part in agricultural cultivation of salep orchids. In the study, the effect of four fertilizer doses (0, 5, 10 and 15 kg/da) was investigated on starch ratio (%), mucilage ratio (%), protein ratio (%) and ash ratio (%). Mucilage ratio (salep mannia) was varied between 14% and 26% according to nitrogen fertilizer doses.

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