
AbstractIn the present study, sensory detection thresholds for sinigrin in a water‐based matrix and allyl isothiocyanate (AITC) in water‐ and oil‐based matrices were determined using a three‐alternative forced choice test with ascending concentrations. The study consisted of a prestudy with 10 assessors (3 mustard “users”; 7 mustard “nonusers”) and a main study with 64 assessors (10 mustard “users”; 54 mustard “nonusers”). In addition, panelists were asked to locate (throat, tongue, throat, and tongue) the predominant sensation (sinigrin: bitterness; AITC: pungency). The group threshold for sinigrin in the water‐based matrix in the prestudy was 10.928 mg/100 ml. Moreover, the group thresholds for AITC in the water‐based matrix in the prestudy and main study were 0.135 and 0.121 mg/100 ml, respectively. The group thresholds for AITC in the oil‐based matrix in the prestudy and main studies were 0.497 and 0.582 mg/100 ml, respectively. However, mustard “users” and mustard “nonusers” showed no significant differences in thresholds. Sinigrin and AITC were both prevalently perceived on the tongue.Practical applicationsThreshold determination for the primary pungent substance allyl isothiocynanate (AITC) and the corresponding precursor sinigrin in cruciferous plants such as mustard, horseradish, and wasabi are important for product development and quality assurance, especially for new products. These parameters will help to estimate whether pungency is a relevant characteristic of the product. In particular, differentiation of the matrix (water‐ or oil‐based matrix) helps to evaluate whether the particular AITC concentration is noticeable in food products depending on the food composition. Further studies should be conducted to determine whether AITC is perceived at the same levels in different food systems. Sinigrin causes the unpleasant bitterness of brassica vegetables. Nevertheless, sinigrin is a desirable substance in food products owing to its potential health‐promoting effects. Therefore, knowledge about the detection threshold of sinigrin will facilitate the breeding of sinigrin‐containing products without unpleasant bitterness and may increase consumer acceptance.

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