
A rapid and direct method for the determination of chromium in human urine using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with Zeeman-effect background correction is described. No reagent or sample pre-treatment (except for straightforward dilution of concentrated samples with distilled water) was necessary, thereby reducing the risk of contamination. The concentration of chromium in urine was evaluated directly from a calibration graph constructed from a metal-spiked human urine pool. Hence, the time consuming method of standard additions was avoided, which permitted an increased sample throughput (100–120 samples per day) with minimum attention of the analyst. In routine use, the reproducibility (both within-day and day-to-day) and limit of detection were in the order of ±10% and 0.09 µg l–1 of Cr, respectively. With a minor alteration in charring temperature the method may also be used for the determination of chromium in whole blood and serum. The method described is suitable for the biological monitoring of chromium in the general population or in occupationally exposed persons.

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