
This study presents the developed and applied methods for the determination of carbendazim in environmental samples originating from several field studies. For water samples sample pretreatment consisted of a solid phase extraction (SPE) on cartridges packed with 200 mg SDB-1. In case of solid samples the performance of microwave assisted solvent extraction (MASE) and classical ultrasonic extraction with acetone-ethyl acetate were studied. The latter technique was selected because of the reduced time of manual operations. Instrumental analysis of extracts of water samples was performed on-line with coupled column reversed phase liquid chromatography (LC/LC) and UV detection (280 nm) allowing to assay carbendazim to a level of at least 0.1 μg/l. Improved column life time was obtained by performing the favorable LC separation of carbendazim at high pH on newly developed 5 μm Extend-pH bidentate C18 material. The combination of a short column packed with 5 μm Inertsil ODS-5 and a mobile phase at low pH material was most adequate as the regards the robust and fast processing of extracts of solid samples and allowed in most cases the screening of carbendazim in soils and sediments to a level of 10μg/kg. The developed procedures yield overall recoveries for carbendazim of 101, 80 and 71 % in water (levels, 0.1—1.2 μg/l: n=12), soil (levels, 10 and 100 μg/kg; n=22) and sediments (levels, 10 and 100 μg/kg; n=11), respectively, with a repeatability and reproducibility below 7 % for all method/matrix combinations. Soil samples with aged residues (level, 100 μg/kg; n=10) provided an overall recovery of 71% and no significant decrease of carbendazim was observed during nine weeks of storage in the refrigerator.

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