
As part of an ongoing general research program on thc cffects of atmospheric acrosols on visibility and its dcpcndcncc on aerosol size distributions in Calgary, this papcr prcscnts the results of a comparative study of particlc size distribution and visibility in residential (NW) and industrial (SE) sections of the city using a mobilc laboratory. Thc study was conducted in the period Octobcr-Deccmber. 1979. An active scattering aerosol spectromctcr measured thc sizc distributions and thc corresponding visibilities wcre deduccd from scattering cocfficients measurcd with an integrating ncphelomcter. The results of this transit study show significantly higher suspendcd particlc concentrations and rcduced visibilities in the SE than in thc NW. The mcan values of the visibilities are 44 and 97 km for thc SE and the NW respectivcly. The exponent of R (particlc radius) in thc power law aerosol size distribution has a mean value of -3.36 ? 0.24 in thc SE compared with the corresponding value of -3.89 ? 0.39 for thc NW. These results arc in good agreement with thc observations of Albcrta Environment; however, thcy arc in contradiction with a reccnt rcport published by thc City of Calgary.

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