
A seed of Snakehead Channa striata has characterization an aggressive and or moving as well. One effort to suppress the aggressive nature is through the use of shelter (shelter) of aquatic weeds water hyacinth in maintenance ponds. Therefore, an experiment in aim of evaluation wide water hyacinth for shelter pond to increase growth and survival of Snakehead Channa striata juvenile was conducted. The treatment were various aquatic weeds are: water cabbage Pistia stratiotes , Azolla Azolla pinata , and water hyacinth Eichornoa crassipes . Snakehead juvenile of 5 ± 0.02 cm in total body length and 4 ± 0.01 g in weight were stocked in 9 experimental ponds at 100 juvenile / m 3 (350 juvenile / pond). Artificial diet of 33% protein was fed on the juvenile at a rate 5% of biomass a day. Rearing period was conducted for four months. The experimental results showed shelter very important for rearing juvenile Snakehead. The best shelter of aquatic weed in snakehead pond culture was at water hyacinth with survival rate 78.00±2.11% and feed efficiency of 30.8 ± 1.22%. This result could be reffered in snakehead nursery in pond.


  • A seed of Snakehead Channa striata has characterization an aggressive and or moving as well

  • One effort to suppress the aggressive nature is through the use of shelter of aquatic weeds water hyacinth in maintenance ponds

  • Snakehead juvenile of 5 ± 0.02 cm in total body length and 4 ± 0.01 g in weight were stocked in 9 experimental ponds at 100 juvenile / m3 (350 juvenile / pond)

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Percobaan dilaksanakan selama empat bulan, mulai Bulan Januari-Juni 2016 di kolam milik masyarakat, Dusun Binong Poncol, RT 01, RW 06, Desa Babakan, Kecamatan Ciseeng, Kabupaten Bogor, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Benih ikan gabus yang digunakan berasal dari pemijahan sendiri di Instalasi Plasma Nutfah Cijeruk, Balai Riset Perikanan Budidaya Air Tawar dan Penyuluhan Perikanan, Bogor. Selanjutnya kolam dilapisi dengan terpal untuk menjaga poros dan stabilitas suhu air. Selanjutnya dimasukan pada masing-masing kolam percobaan dengan kedalaman 0,7 cm dan dibiarkan sekitar 5-7 hari sampai air berwarna kehijauan. Sebanyak 15 ekor benih ikan gabus dari masing-masing kolam diambil setiap bulan untuk diukur panjang total dan bobot biomasa. Untuk keperluan pengukuran gambaran darah, satu ekor ikan gabus dari masing-masing kolam diambil secara acak. Selanjutnya darah ikan gabus disimpan dalam tabung dan ditutup dengan rapat. Parameter kualitas air yang diukur secara insitu kemudian ditabulasi dengan menggunakan Microsoft exel. Data gambaran darah dan parameter kualitas air ditampilkan dalam bentuk gambar dan dianalisis secara deskriftif

Eceng gondok
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