
Acetyl pieriafeltarragenin compound is an acetyl compound of picriafeltarra-genin which is one of effective component of plant Picria Fel-Tarrae Lour. The mole-cular formula is C34H48O7. Space group is D24-P21 21 21. The cell dimensions are a=22.357(10)?,b=15.277(8)?,c=9.089(4)?. Four molecules are contained in a cell (z=4).The intensity data were collected on a PW-1100 four circle diffractometer. The total number of independent reflections amounts to 2234. The crystal structure has been determined by direct method (MULTAN-78),and the structure parameters have been refined by means of full matrix Least.squares method to R=0.1099. The difference Fourier Syntheses gives out all the hydrogen positions.

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